Marie Frances Brown

Marie Frances Brown is a General Licensed Minister with the UPCI. She serves alongside her husband, Pastor Louis Brown III, as the First Lady and minister at The Pentecostals of New Britain, also serving as Pastor of the Spanish Daughter Work, Tabernáculo Pentecostal IPU.  

Sis. Brown obtained her Bachelor Degree in Theology (Christian Ministries emphasis) from Apostolic Bible Institute in St. Paul, MN. She served for 8 years as the CT District Network of Prayer Coordinator, and CT Ladies Secretary for 3 years.  

Pastors Louis and Marie Brown have 4 children (The Brown Tribe): Eleazar, Micah, Josiah, and Lucy. 


Tupelo Children's Mansion

A.B.L.E. Ministry


More To Life

Ladies Prayer International

My Hope Radio


Today’s Christian Girl

Women of Worth


CT Ladies Conference

Invest CT Endowment Fund

Church Advancement

Office of Education and Endorsement

Global Missions

Lighthouse Ranch for Boys

Music Ministry

My Hope Radio

New Beginnings

North American Missions


The mission of Ladies Ministries is to equip and mobilize apostolic ladies of the world for service in the kingdom of God; to preserve apostolic doctrine; and to maintain and transmit the heritage of the past to the present and future generations through teaching and by example.

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