Learn more about the CT District UPCI Board
Jon & Indira Petoskey
Jon Petoskey is blessed to live and worship with his wife, Indira, and daughter Alyssa in Greater Hartford where they serve the local church family at The Pentecostals of Greater Hartford. He serves on numerous boards and refuses to let others on them be bored. The adventures of faith call him on a contagious journey of discovering the goodness and grace of God each day.
Tom & Dionna Dibble
Thomas Dibble is married to his sweetheart, Dionna Dibble, and has four children and two grandchildren. He serves Calvary Life Center, in Waterbury, CT as pastor.
Fred Dibble Jr.
Bro. Dibble has served the CT District in various capacities for over 50 years now. He has served as the District Global Missions Director and has been for the past 10 years. It is more than just a responsibility to him, but a true burden, one which he envelops, as he loves the interaction with our Global Missionaries.
He has won several national awards for getting services for and taking care of our Missionaries as they travel through the Connecticut District. Our Global Missionaries look forward to coming to Connecticut on their deputation.
David MacDonald
David has served as pastor of Heritage UPC in Bristol for the past 32 years. Throughout his ministry, he’s also had the privilege of serving in various district and general positions within the UPCI, including his current role as Northeast Regional Presiding Officer for Judicial Procedure.
David and his wife, Deborah, are blessed with three children, their spouses and five grandchildren.
Lawrence & Sharon Barnes
Lawrence was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. He moved to Connecticut in 1991 to begin a career in software development. After joining Grace & Glory Church in 1993, he was called to the ministry in 2000 and became the Lead Pastor in 2005.
Nate Hardt
Nathan and Diana have served in youth ministry at the local and district levels for many years. They currently work with youth at Acts II Ministries in Thompson, among a variety of other roles. They are excited to serve as another generation of Apostolics change the world.
Marie Frances Brown
Marie Frances Brown is a General Licensed Minister with the UPCI. She serves alongside her husband, Pastor Louis Brown III, as the First Lady and minister at The Pentecostals of New Britain, also serving as Pastor of the Spanish Daughter Work, Tabernáculo Pentecostal IPU.
Sis. Brown obtained her Bachelor Degree in Theology (Christian Ministries emphasis) from Apostolic Bible Institute in St. Paul, MN. She served for 8 years as the CT District Network of Prayer Coordinator, and CT Ladies Secretary for 3 years.
Pastors Louis and Marie Brown have 4 children (The Brown Tribe): Eleazar, Micah, Josiah, and Lucy.
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas is married to Teena Thomas and has 4 beautiful children. They serve the Acts Church of Stamford, CT as Senior Pastors. They love the kingdom of God and want to see it expand to its fullest before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Steven Harvey
Steven Harvey serves as Senior Pastor of Destiny Church in Bloomfield, CT. Under his leadership, Destiny strives to be a ‘safe place’ where the lost become found, and the Body of Christ continues to grow as God’s Kingdom moves forward. Each week, lives are touched as Pastor Steven preaches with anointing, passion and presents real life application. He remains prayerfully and deeply committed to nurturing the spiritual growth of all people. As a team builder with a talent for casting vision, Steven believes that God has called the men of this District to unite and accomplish something far greater than average. Steven married the love of his life, Ruthie, and they have 2 wonderful daughters, Angel and Miriam.
James Wiltshire
James Wiltshire is the Pastor of The Chapel in Newington Ct. and is a native of Connecticut as well. After graduating form Christian Life College in Stockton Ca. He and his wife moved back to the state where they served at New Life Tabernacle in Windsor Locks for four years before transitioning to serve a twenty year position at Faith Tabernacle in Manchester. In 2016 God put it on his heart to plant a new work in Newington Ct where he still serves today. In 2023 he was elected to serve the Connecticut District as the Global Missions Director. Brother Wiltshire is also the Operations Officer for Global Impact Ministries out of California, and the founder of CORE Biblical Studies. He and his family are committed to our missionaries and the experience they have during their time in our state.
Kent McLaughlin
Kent and Heidi McLaughlin have been the CT Children's Ministries Director since 2013. Before that, they served as secretary for the same department. They are active in children's ministry throughout the northeast.
Edward Ford
Rev. Edward Ford is our CT Multicultural Ministries Director. He is a church planter and serves as the Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Tabernacle in West Hartford, CT. He is married to Elissa Ford and together they have one son, Malachi.
Jorge Brito
Jorge Brito Is a servant of Jesus Christ with a spirit of revival, joy and fun. Never boring, always willing or almost willing hahaha. His business, church planting, along with his accomplices – wife Suzanne Brito and son George Brito. Currently pastoring Iglesia De Jesus in Bridgeport, CT, serving as an overseer in Ministerio Apostólico De New Haven, and a preaching point in Waterbury, CT. The mercy of God causes him to summit to his elders and be a team player in the kingdom work.
Siervo de Jesucristo con espíritu de avivamiento, gozoso y divertido. Nunca aburrido, siempre dispuesto, o casi dispuesto jajaja. Su negocio, plantar iglesias, junto con sus cómplices, su esposa Suzanne Brito y su hijo George Brito. Actualmente pastoreando Iglesia De Jesús en Bridgeport, CT, sirviendo como supervisor de iglesia Ministerio De New Haven, y de un punto de predicación en Waterbury, CT. La misericordia de Dios causa que se someta a sus líderes y ser un jugador de equipo en la obra de el Reino.
Garnett Martin Jr.
Garnett Martin Jr. has devoted his life to Kingdom work for more than 30 years. He maintains a particular passion for street and other non-traditional ministry formats such as corners, prisons, shelters, etc. He continues to serve the Lord in various capacities in New England, including as an associate minister for Grace and Glory Apostolic Church. He and his wife, Carmen, would love to help coordinate your prayer needs today!